Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What it's like

Remember when that song what it's like came out? It's still popular. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to walk in other people's shoes,someone with nice shoes.
Tell me what it's like -
To have a new car or one that doesn't need 100s of dollar fixes
A dalmatian that's actually potty trained 100%
Enough sleep every night
A very full bank account
A Netflix with recommendations for you not your 3 year old
A personal chef
A massage just one
A buttload of time with your significant other
A day without tantrums and meltdowns

For some reason I don't think I'm alone on any of these things

Also try watching freaks and geeks on Netflix, it's entertaining enough and has a cast full of movie stars before their movie preview with I think is the best part

1 comment:

  1. So uhhhh.. oddly, I actually do get enough sleep. I put Bryton to sleep at 8:30 and then climb in bed myself lol. I don't end up going to sleep until like 10 p.m., but still... I sleep until 7 a.m. I don't feel like I get enough sleep cause after Bryton wakes up we hang out in my bed until 8 or 8:30 a.m. I probably get too much sleep. But I never do much 'me' time I guess...
