Thursday, January 31, 2013

Puppy love

I have been blessed with so so much. It's seriously insane, but right now I'm focusing on my dogs. Boomer is well as Robbie says " my guard dog" he is honestly the coolest dog ever, if I'm sleeping by myself on the bed he will come ad stay by me till I leave. He also likes to sit on the floor by the bed and watch while I'm resting. He is always giving me kisses and coming up to be petted. When they say that adopting is the way to go, I can honestly say after everything we dealt with with him it has payed off ten fold. He still has his days but I'm so glad he came all the way up from Mississippi and found his way into my heart and home. Sparky on the other hand is our little baby, he loves to give kisses too and tags along everywhere. He loves to cuddle although he seems to prefer Robbie over me. He is constantly talking to us with his little growling whine which is hilarious and cute at the same time, unless you are trying to get some sleep, he is a loud mouth at times. Anyways I am so happy to have such sweethearts. Nahla days they are her best friends and I can agree.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs are seriously the best! Kylie can turn my tears into smiles in seconds:) God made dogs for a reason and they truly are mans best friend!
