Tuesday, February 19, 2013


i am going to be married for 4 years on feb 28. i feel like because of this i have learned a few valuable lessons. Doesn't everyone like to feel smart? So here it goes from my computer to yours..4 lessons learned in marriage.

1. Never, EVER, EVER lift up the comforter from the bed once your husband has entered. Remember the time i told you how robbie farted and i threw up? (True Story) There is a stench so vile trapped underneath that blanket. I am sure it has the capability of depleting the ozone layer while simultaneously killing multiple species of animals.

2. Always have easy to access food available. There is nothing worse than a hungry man.

3. Compromise. Robbie knows that sometimes a girl needs a new pair of shoes or a nap. lots of naps. And i understand that sometimes boys make huge messes and leave them that way.

4. love love love remember you love him

happy anniversary to me and my lovebird

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