Friday, January 11, 2013

Is it bedtime yet?

When Robbie and I had been married for a little over a year I started teaching the sunbeams. (3 year old Sunday school) we had about 7 of them and there was one boy who could not sit still, down or keep quiet. You had about a 5% chance of him listening period. I remember chasing him around in circles on Sunday in heels until I finally gave them up for flats....I wondered how on earth his mom dealt with him during the week.
Nahla is that kid. She runs in circles in sunbeams, screams, dances, talks, tries to leave, etc. it takes about 4 adults to get her under control, which only lasts 5 min. The only time she is quiet is if she's doing something bad.. Latest examples, stuffing all the toliet paper, moms toothbrush and the lotion in the potty and then throwing the wetness on the floor or clogging it up. Sneaking out in the middle of the night, multiple times to watch tv and scale the cabinets for treats. Painting the house with toothpaste, lotion, face cream, soap, etc. to top it off every time she goes on the fire place for time out she pees on it. Sticks it to me I guess. You know that screaming kid throwing panties everywhere in Victoria's Secret, that's nahla. She's also the one turning on service lights, covering herself in tester products and taking all the free samples. Honestly I wonder how I'm still alive everyday. I love her, I couldn't live a day without her beautiful face. I'm just worried my hair is going to turn gray prematurely.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I saw this little girl a few months back in TJ MAX who was squirting a little bit of lotion from each tester bottle and rubbing it in her hair. It was the cutest thing, no idea where her mom was, but I stood and watched her for like 5 min. laughing inside!
