Sunday, March 27, 2016

That ones mine

Today robbie and I were waiting outside Lilas Sunday school class. I peeked in to check on her. She didn't see me, but I saw her. There she was sitting on the edge of her chair carelessly tipping back and forth. She had a pen hanging out of her mouth and was using her tounge to move it up and down. While aimlessly staring into space she periodically shook her head violently back and forth. All I could think as I quietly stepped out was. That's my kid. In the pure essence of her childhood weirdness that's her. If someone came up to me and was like hey which ones yours I would point to her. I'd probably single her out from the group by saying she's the one running circles around the table. Or that's her over there separating the hair accessories by color. Or she's the one climbing on the freezer doors attempting to Reenact George of the jungle.

I feel lucky that my kids are confident in themselves. They know what they can do and what they can't they try hard to. They don't filter much and they aren't very shy. Although Lila is a lot more reserved then queen Nahla. I often have to remind Nahla to "reign in the Nahla" since things can quickly go from casually looking at someone's household decor to pulling out a spare art kit she snuck in(only God knows how she accomplished that) and redecorating for them.

Today we were invited to a lovely Easter party at my brother in laws soon to be fiannces house. It was fabulous. I met some people but by time we were ready to head out I still wasn't familiar with everyone. After heading for the door robbie goes, "where's Nahla?" After looking around we find her talking to one of the adults in another room. Figuring she will be finished with her conversation soon enough I hang out a little longer. Without a care in the world she sits there chatting away to a complete stranger. Finally I go over to interupt and we head out.

So they are confident. They are social. but they are kids and kids can be weird. Super weird, more weird then adults.

And it seems to be they are always unleashing their peak craziness when you get to point them out to a stranger and say lovingly, that one is mine. I'm not kidding when I say that experiencing those moments of pure childhood insanity is one of my favorite parts of being a parent.