Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Nahla is 4

Well it's that time of year again. I always look forward to my girls birthdays because it brings them so much happiness but they always make me depressed when they come! My little Nahla is 4 years old!! 4!!! It's her golden birthday this year. She is the light of my life and I hope she knows that. Nahla is the sweetest girl. She comes everywhere with me, I mean everywhere. In fact she went Black Friday shopping with me last week..in the middle of the night, without a nap! She's amazing. I hope she always wants to hang out with me as much as she does now :)


  1. She is amazing, her auntie Layla and Uncle Paul love her very much! She's like a little teenager in small persons body. I don't doubt she went shopping with you, she loves going places and never complains about it, just likes to be along!

  2. Happy birthday Nahla! I'm sure you guys will have lots of shopping adventures together. After all it is what girls do best!
