Saturday, June 1, 2013

Will our mother like this? We don't know!

I decided i better start writing some of this stuff down or i wont remember that i had such a weird existence when i get old person memory disease.

come to think of it i probably will think this entire thing is made up, but here it goes!

We have more animals. What have i talked about so far...the guinea pigs (Wendy and Tigerlily), Sparky the crazy poochie, and 2 bearded dragons(stumpz and beardie).

Robbie bought a chameleon for his birthday. Its a male and is about the size of my thumb right now. It is by far the craziest lizard i have seen in my entire life. It of course changes colors. So far we have only seen green and red. It sticks its tongue out to eat which is so insane to watch.

On top of that robbie caught a toad in the yard and hes inside for now. Hes going back out. Nahla says "Daddy put the toad back outside now it makes me so mad!!" It does make her mad. Her face gets all red and her eyes bulge out of her head. The toad peed on her earlier. That doesn't help his case.

So you must be thinking, Ashley how do you feed all these lizards that is a lot of money? Well its not its free.

How is it free? I haven't told you about our other two house guests, or i should say colonies.

Cockroaches. Lots of cockroaches big ones, small ones, dead ones. So many that when you open the cage to get out a paper towel tube they go out in all directions. The dragons go nutzo whenever you open the cockroach cage.

So robbie has become a breeder, of roaches. These ones in specific are native to South America. The cant survive long in an environment with a temp below 80 which is the only reason I let him get them. The are just as disgusting as you are imagining so i will save you the picture. On top of feeding his dragons for free he is also selling the roaches. Believe it or not people spend money on roaches. The are quite expensive too, compared to their other bug counterparts.

Robbie is expecting a new colony of different cockroaches later this week.

Our final "pet" resides outside in the garbage. Literally. Along with feeding dragons cockroaches they get a nice healthy diet of phoenix worms. So out back is a compost bin full of rotting garbage and breeding worms. It wont be long until robbie is making money on those too im sure.

He has the Midas touch.
the first is the veiled chameleon. The second is the bearded dragon

this comes to mind-

Look what we found, in the park, in the dark.
We will take him home, we will call him clark.
He will live at our house, he will grow and grow.
Will our mother like this? We dont know!

-one fish two fish red fish blue fish


  1. I can not believe you guys are breeding cockroaches inside your house!!! I saw two cockroaches in our old apt and almost died!! The new little green guy is cute! Who is going to watch all these pets when your in Cali?

  2. i could never handle all of it. and you're somehow managing to paint your kitchen? ai-yai-yai! loving the dr seuss quote at the end :)
