Wednesday, August 5, 2015

From the mouth of a 3 year old

Now that Lila talks she says the funniest things. She's also very animated. We have a hard time understanding her sometimes so she will use actions as well. One recent memory - Lila comes running into my room. Face bright red, tears, etc she is so mad. She jumps on my bed and screams "nani rip" when I don't answer fast enough, mostly because I was stunned that her eyeballs were somehow still in their sockets as it looked like they might pop out at any second, she starts the actions. She gets into a squatting position waves her arms in front of her like she's furiously digging up dirt. (Similar to what sparky does in my flower bed) and screams "Nani rips" "Nani rip" tears, red face, potruding eyeballs, furiously digging. The problem was fixed within the next minute or two. Turns out nahla had ripped her coloring picture on accident. Life is hard when you're 3.

So she's got some other phrases she likes to throw around. All created by her.

A favorite

"Poopy goopy"
- Lila loves Mickey and Minnie. She loves watching the clubhouse. Turns out she doesn't like Goofy. Which is why she says he's poopy. She tells me he poops his pants. I don't know where she got that idea from. When the Mickey Mouse clubhouse song comes on and they introduce all the characters she will as well
TV- "Mickey"
Lila- "Mickey"
TV- "Minnie"
TV- "goofy"
Lila- "poopy goopy"


Another recent phrase-
"Hug a bug"
- she would say this and burst out laughing. It was always said as a joke. Finally I asked nahla what hug a bug means. Nahla says its when a bug comes in your room and you hug it. Lila seemed to agree that is what it means. Why we say it randomly throughout the day as a punch line I don't know.

One she picked up from mama-
" Nauughty Nauughty"
-Lila doesn't like cleaning up her messes. So she ends up on time out until she's ready to pick up. I would always tell her it's naughty naughty to make a mess and not clean up. Now she says it whenever she thinks anyone is being Nauughty Nauughty. Drawn out like that..with a smile and a finger shake. Sparky, nahla, robbie, me..herself none of us escape the Nauughty Nauughty line


  1. hahaha that's so funny! It's so funny how kids will just decide something, like that Goofy has pooped his pants lol! Your "hug a bug!" line reminds me of our house's equivalent -- "chicken belly!" Bryton loves to say that whenever we ask him house his day was. Whatever "hug a bug" or "chicken belly" means, they both must be SO hilarious lol.

  2. I would LOVE to watch Kaia and Lila watch the club house together!! Kaia tries so hard to sing all the words. Hadley also LOVES it!! Now that we got Kaia mickey and minnie she treats them like they are her kids. She puts them in the highchair and gives them blankets..wipes their butt haha..its the best!

  3. Also..she loves goofy! We almost bought her the goofy stuffed animal too hahah..Lila would have died!
