Sunday, December 14, 2014


My sweet nahla is 5. 5!

She's starting kindergarten in the fall! This is all way to crazy for me to handle. Birthdays are always so bittersweet. It's so fun to have all the excitement and celebration but so so sad that they are getting older. I still look forward to my birthday though ;)

So in honor of nahla I'm going to share some likes of hers and fun memories :)

Nahla loves loves loves crafts, especially painting.

Nahla has a short attention span which allows her to get into more trouble then lila on a regular basis

Nahla loves treats..especially cake pops from Starbucks and cookies from panera

Nahla is a great helper. She will do anything you ask without fail. She's moms little

Nahla tattle tales on Robbie. She also bosses him around, telling him what he can and can't no peeing in the drain lol. Robbie thinks it's hilarious

Nahla says "I told you..." Almost daily. She's the brains of most of our operations

Nahla is super smart. She picks up things during homeschool so fast and she's smart enough to get herself out of school as well

Nahla loves monster high and ever after high and basically any kid show about girls in high school being fabulous

Nahla still hates clothes.

She's my beautiful first born. I'm crazy in love

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Does it feel weird to think you're a mom to a five year old?! Lol sounds like nahla is a great right hand man to have :)
