Anyone who Knows me knows the quickest way to my heart is a dog. Period. I have no idea how the obsession started (although my mom claims it was from 101 dalmatians) but I just love them all to pieces. A few weeks ago our terrier Bambi lost it. Like seriously, she had her issues but she took a step too far that I said I would never allow. She nipped nahlas face out of aggression. Thankfully it was tiny and didn't even warrant a bandaid, but it was bye bye Bambi. Even after she did this to my little love I still was trying to do everything in my power to help her find a good home. So I love all dogs I suppose. So then the process of finding boomers next companion started. If you've ever met boomer you know he's a lot to deal with energy energy energy. So there were a lot of dogs that did not like him. We were also limiting ourselves to puppies because Robbie didn't want to deal with previous issues. While I was hoping to save another foster or shelter dog I opted for a pure breed dalmatian named sparky! I don't regret it at all!! So it seems my obsession as come full circle, I don't know that I'll get anything but dalmatians from now on. I am in love.
Want to know the second fastest way to my heart? Chocolate covered cherries.
Lol. whenever i hear dalmatians i think of you and my little sister sariah. jaren used to tell me stories of you and dalmatians. lol