Wednesday, October 10, 2012

random facts

want to learn some random facts? I LOVE random facts about people. Its my dream to be like gretchen from mean girls. To have hair so big its full of secrets. I love secrets too.

so here it goes. if i had to eat one food for the rest of my existence it would be yogurt. in fact last night i had a dream that robbie brought me home a bunch of wallaby lime yogurts. They are an all time favorite from the health hut and they are always sold out! Robbie says its me that buys them all but i subtract the number i have, from the case and know someone else is stealing my yogurt. Weird yes, but its MINE.

im very particular about my yogurt, i will not eat that grocery store crap. That stuff doesn't even have the real cultures in it, you don't know what real cultures are?! educate yourselves! i will also not eat any yogurt with fruit in it, like in it in it. It really limits my choices, but guess what if i wanted to eat soggy old fruit id get those moldy raspberries out of the back of my fridge finally. I look forward to eating my yogurt in the morning when i go to bed the night before. Is it as good as sex, no, but its a close second.

want to hear another random fact. I like adding things to what robbie writes. For example in his office he always has lists of things to do. I always write things on it, like take that giant crap, or have sex with wife. It reminds him of his priorities. I also like to relabel things he has. For example he has a box next to his computer labeled bags. I labeled it bags of poop. He never mentions my additions but i know for a fact that he knows ive got him good when he sees them. After all if i didnt keep him second guessing himself who would?!


  1. Horny? You mentioned sex twice in this post haha!

  2. hahaha! love it layla. i was thinking the same thing.

    i bet that robbie loves the little notes that you leave him lol. oddly, my favorite yogurt is plain yogurt. then i add fresh fruit and sometimes honey to it. mmmm!
